Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Ancient Practices

Having already read Fasting, I have just finished reading The Liturgical Year, a second book in a series called The Ancient Practices; and I loved it!

The series is edited by Phyllis Tickle and is an 8 book series on spiritual disciplines.

“Religion, wherever it is found, is more than a system of untethered beliefs. Rather, it is an intricate, interlocking lacework of physical laws, intellectual assumptions, and spiritual values that, held in common, are both the faith lived and its perpetuation,” remarks Tickle. “This series of seven volumes and an overarching introductory one is a reverent, grateful, and unabashedly Christian celebration of that heritage which has been with us from the beginning and will be with us until the end.”

The series begins with an introductory book by Brian McLaren (which I haven't read yet) and then follows with 7 books on different spiritual disciplines. Well worth reading. I'm trying to decide which one to buy next and devour?

In Constant Prayer by Robert Benson

Sabbath by Dan Allender

Fasting by Scot McKnight

Sacred Meal by Nora Gallagher

Sacred Journey by Charles Foster

The Liturgical Year by Joan Chittister

Tithing by Douglas LeBlanc

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